Thursday, May 19, 2011

Break dance and Dancing of NOBLE

This Picture was taken on Thursday,10th of February 2011 in Class Nine One…
This was one of the task of Culture lesson, Mrs. Rabiah was the teacher at that time. our task was break dance for the boys and dancing for the Ladies … at this task we were divided into 7 groups.., 3 groups for the boys and 4 groups for the ladies.. but, unsuspected 1 group of the boy was separated .. so, the members of that group was doing their task individually, they are Yoland Reynaldo, Rodrick KT, Zulfadli, Reza Syauki And Fatur Mulya Muiz… but just Yoland, and Rodrick that wanted to perform their dance. The other didn’t  perform theirs. We don’t know why… hehe ckck.. :D
                And do you want to know who are the members of each groups? And what song do they choose to their task?
Kahar CS : Kaharuddin, Marzel Lebang, Bayu Ramadhan, Miftahul Reski Ihsan, and Riko Alif Utama. With BackStreet boys’ song – As Long As You Love Me
Azharul CS : Azharul Nugraha Putra, A. Wira Eko Saputra, Muh. Mubarak CP, Reza Dwi Putra with  linkink park's song-What I've done combine with Pitbull's Song- Boom Shake.
Rodrick and yoland with
Suchi CS : Suci Umiyarsih Ramadhani, Marwah, Silvia Made Amang, Cicilia Valensi P with Siti Nurhaliza’s Song – Cindai

Mustika CS : Mustika, Farah Fadillah, Nur vicky Syafriani,Reski Ramadhani R with Indo Logo song
Naulia CS : Naulia Fadhila, Dhini Virly Nur, Eka Hartina Hasan, Ziska with pakkarena song
Siti Nur Fadhila CS : Siti Nur Fadhila, Fizzilmi dahila, Ulfa Laila Lailah N, Giovani EA. With. Believe song

Alhamdulillah , this task was running well even though there some little problem behind it, but it was ok,,, after we prepare it in a long day before, and this is also the moment that can’t we forget in our life because to prepare this task we must go home nightly , but finally we got the big score…. So we want to say thank you very much to all of people that have helped us doing this task..
And alsowe don’t forget to give the big thanks  to Mrs. Hj. Rabiah,S.Pd  because her motivation that we can process our mind to create the new idea about culture specially in dancing….
The last word we want to say Thanks for reading our’s and don’t forget to follow and comment..
“Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.” Have a nice day…

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