Kitchen Musical

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Hello guys… welcome again in our blog…. the blog that used to remind us about NOBLE … in order that we won’t forget NOBLE until Die … :D On Sunday, 19th of December 2010, when the OSIS of Junior High School 2 Parepare made an activity that’s PORSENI absolutely we would join that activity and one of the competition that contested that’s “KITCHEN MUSICAL “ or “MUSIK DAPUR”

Farah Fadillah's Birthday

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Hopefully we always in a good condition Well, we meet again in this entry Even thought just trough a reading hhee :D Firstly I want to say Congratulation for all of the students of JHS 2 Parepare Academic Year 2010/2011 especially for NOBLE’s Students because in this year they’ve passed in the test. Yeah even thought we’ve graduated from Junior High School 2 Parepare, insya allah we’ll always make a reading like this. To remind you about our togetherness in the past. That’s right that we’ve separated, we’ve choose our own school to continue our study, But we hope our togetherness won’t be separated because we are the family that can not be separated by all of the things except god.

The togetherness in doing the buraq

these pictures were taken on Wednesday 23th of February 2011 in Reski Ramadhani's Home.. this was one of the activities of Noble's Students... that was Doing the buraQ for preparing the commemoration of Maulid of Nabi Muhammad SAW 1432 H in RSBI Junior High School 2 Parepare that would be conducted on Thursday 24th of February 2011.

the history of NOBLE

in 2008/2009, there were 2008/2009, there were 2 classes named 7.1 and 7.2. both of them are RSBI classes. they always tried to be the best. until someday, there was a little conflict between them. but gradually, the conflict was over by the time,

Break dance and dancing of NOBLE

This Picture was taken on Thursday,10th of February 2011 in Class Nine One… This was one of the task of Culture lesson, Mrs. Rabiah was the teacher at that time. our task was break dance for the boys and dancing for the Ladies … at this task we were divided into 7 groups.., 3 groups for the boys and 4 groups for the ladies.. but, unsuspected 1 group of the boy was separated .. so, the members of that group was doing their task individually, they are Yoland Reynaldo, Rodrick KT, Zulfadli, Reza Syauki And Fatur Mulya Muiz… but just Yoland, and Rodrick that wanted to perform their dance. The other didn’t perform theirs. We don’t know why… hehe ckck.. :D

Saturday, July 23, 2011

cara cepat menghafal tabel Sistem Priodik Unsur kimia

Aduh sulit benar ya menghafal tabel Sistem Periodik Unsur (SPU) kimia.....???
gimana ya caranya????
tenang aja ada cara mudah kok menghafal tabel SPU kimia... mau tau???????
tapi sebelumnya kita awali dulu sedikit sejarah tabel SPU.... sabar sebentar....oke!!!!!
Tabel periodik ini dibuat untuk menentukan sifat-sifat unsur yang ada di alam ini. Pada masing-masing unsur meliputi: lambang unsur, nomor atom, massa atom atau isotop yang paling stabil, serta golongan dan nomor periode dalam tabel periodik.
Ditemukan oleh: Dmitri Mendeleev ( bahasa Rusia: Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleyev) (1834-1907) ialah seorang ahli kimia dari Kekaisaaran Rusia yang menciptakan tabel periodik berdasarkan peningkatan bilangan atom. Bilangan ini menunjukkan jumlah proton yang terdapat dalam inti atom. Jumlah proton sama dengan jumlah elektron yang mengelilingi atom bebas.
Ia menemukannya sewaktu menyiapkan sebuah buku pelajaran untuk mahasiswanya. Ia menemukan bahwa jika ia menata unsur-unsur menurut kenaikan massa atom, unsur dengan sifat yang mirip akan muncul dengan selang yang berskala. Ia berhasil menyajikan hasil kerjanya pada Himpunan Kimia Rusia di awal 1869.
Definisi : Unsur adalah zat murni tunggal yang membentuk menyusun suatu materi.
Pada table periodik, Kalau arahnya vertical tu menunjukan suatu golongan dan Kalau arahnya horizontal itu menunjukan suatu periode. Demi pemahaman lebih lanjut semua unsur dalam tabel periodik harus smuanya hafal!! Tapi yang paling penting untuk aplikasi kedepan... harus hafal dulu aja unsur-unsur golongan utama, yaitu golongan IA - VIIIA …
Berikut ini adalah uraian cara menghafalnya...

IA : disebut juga golongan alkali.
H : Hidrogen
Li : Litium
Na : Natrium
Rb : Rubidium
Cs : Cesium (Sesium)
Fr : Fransium
disingkat :
H Li Na K Rb Cs Fr (hah…lina kaget, Robi Cs frustasi)
(HaLiNa Kawin Robi Cs Frustasi)

IIA : disebut juga golongan alkali tanah
Be : Berilium
Mg : Magnesium
Ca : Kalsium
Sr : Strontium
Ba :Barium
Ra :Radium
disingkat :
Be Mg Ca Sr Ba Ra (beuh….minggu ni cakka siaran bareng radio) (Besok Minggu Cari Sirsiran Baru Rabi (Jawa)
(Beli Mangga Cari Sirsak Bawa Rambutan)
(Bebek Mangan Cacing Seret Banget Rasane)
IIIA : disebut juga golongan boron
B : Boron
Al : Almunium
Ga :Galium
In : Indium
Tl : Talium
B Al Ga In Tl (Bagas Al-irshadi Ganteng In Tlek …) .. maksa banget!
(Bang Ali Gank (geng) InTlek)....takut ah..!!

IV A: disebut juga golongan karbon
C : Karbon
Si : Silikon
Ge : Germanium
Sn : Stannum (Timah)
Pb :Plumbum (Timbal)C Si Ge Sn Pb (cewe sini genit sneng playboy)
(Cewek Si Gendut Sneng Plembungan) (Plembungan = balon)

VA : disebut golongan Nitrogen
N : Nitrogen
P : Phosfor (fosfor)
As : Arsenik
Sb : Stibium (antimon)
Bi : Bismut
N P As Sb Bi (neng popi asik sambung bibir) hahahha….
(Nenek Pacaran Asyik Sabet (sepet) Bibir (nenek sama kakek ciuman)

VIA : disebut juga golongan oksigen
O : Oksigen
S : Sulfur (Belerang)
Se : Selenim
Te : Telurim
Po : PolonimO S Se Te Po (orang sinting selalu tembak polisi)
(akal : Oh, Sayaaang, sss-sss-SeToP! (setop mobilnya! lampu udah merah)
Kalkun sedang latihan yudo, baru beri hormat langsung berhenti: OS (hormat)! Se To Po (berhenti)!

VII A : di sebut juga golongan Halogen
F : Flour
Cl : Klor
Br : Brom
I : Iodine (yodium)
At : Astatin
F Cl Br I At (fei calon brilian Intan At) .. kiriman kak Vei
(Film Carlos Bronsonm Idaman Ati)
(Fuiiiwwwiiit, Color Biru Itu Antik, euy!)

VIIIA : di sebut juga golongan gas mulia
He : Helium
Ne : Neon
Ar : Argon
Kr : Kripton
Xe : Xenon
Rn : RadonHe Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn ( heboh negeri amerika karena serangan ranjau) Hahaha..
(Heboh Negara Argentina Krna Xenat Runtuh)....hebat..!!
(Heboh Negara Argentina Karena Xenia ditukar Ranjang)...asyik dong...
akhirnya selesai juga...!!!
eh jangan lupa ya dicoba.... pasti u bisa!!!!!!!

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